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Matières premières pour cosmétique
Description : Culture et exploitation des plantes aromatiques et extraction des huiles essentielles
Abcert Gmbh
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Fresh squeezed organic pomegranate juice (100%) in glass bottle 1l and 0.2l and bulk package.
Lacon Gmbh
Jus concentrés
Description : Organic pomegranate juice concentrate in aseptic bags in dums. Brix 65%
Plantes aromatiques medicinales
Plantes médicinales
Description : huckleberry leaf and stem
St. Johns Wort
Oregon Grape Root
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : fresh wild huckleberries
fresh wild mushrooms(pine)
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : L’huile d’argan destinée à la cosmétologie est préparée à partir des amandons non torréfiés. Comme pour l’huile alimentaire, l’introduction de la mécanisation dans sa préparation assure la production d’une huile de qualité et la certitude de sa pureté microbiologique renforce son intérêt cosmétologique. L’activité cosmétologique de l’huile d’argan est probablement liée à sa forte teneur en agents anti-oxydants et en acides gras, composés connus pour s’opposer à l’activité des radicaux libres dont l’effet est néfaste pour la peau. L’application régulière sur la peau d’huile d’argan de qualité cosmétologique est conseillée pour le traitement des gerçures, des peaux sèches ou déshydratées et de l’acné. A long terme, l’application d’huile d’argan conduit à une réduction de la vitesse d’apparition des rides et à la disparition des cicatrices provoquées par la rougeole ou la varicelle. L’application d’huile d’argan est aussi préconisée pour le traitement des brûlures superficielles. Des massages à l’huile d’argan au niveau des articulations permettent aussi une réduction des douleurs rhumatismales. Pour l’action antirhumatismale, une meilleure efficacité est obtenue en association avec la consommation d’huile d’argan alimentaire. Finalement, appliquée sur la chevelure, l’huile d’argan permet de redonner aux cheveux éclat et brillance. C’est à cause de toutes ces qualités que les Laboratoires cosmétologiques ont depuis longtemps introduit l’huile d’argan dans un grand nombre de leurs spécialités
Autres huiles
Description : Spécialiste dans l’extraction et la commercialisation à l’échelle mondiale de l’huile d’argan organique, MARPHI a été créée par une équipe de passionnés originaires du sud du Maroc évoluant dans l’univers de la bio.
MARPHI Déploie tous ses efforts pour mettre au point des produits commercialisés en gros & en détail d'huile d'argan bio sains exempts de composants douteux provenant de l’industrie chimique.

Toutes les huiles Marphi sont certifiées bio par l'organisme de contrôle ECOCERT, conformément à la réglementation européenne sur l'Agriculture Biologique.
Toutes nos huiles cosmétiques et alimentaires sont certifiées bio (C.E & USDA) .
Abcert Gmbh
Boissons sans alcool (eau, jus de fruits, légumes,boissons aux céréales, soja)
Description : Organic pomegranate juice (100%) ready to drink in glass bottle 1l and 0.2 l.
Abcert Gmbh
Jus concentrés
Description : Organic pomegranate concentrate in aseptic drums. Brix - 65%
Autres intrans
Description : 'Phytop 8.67' is a highly-effective biological preparation for organic farming with fungicide, antistress and antidepressant properties. (According to the EU Regulation (EC) # 889/2008 (art.3, part 4)

'Phytop 8.67' contains the strains of spore-forming bacteria of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens cultures, selected from the ecologically clean regions of Siberia. Bacteria are deposited in the Deutsche Sammlung von Microorganismen und Zellkulturen Gmbh European collection of microorganisms and cell cultures.

'Phytop 8.67' improves self-protection abilities of plants, manages soil microbial flora and promotes plant growth and development. Preparation is especially useful when the soil ecology has been affected by chemical treatments, pollution and other natural negative forces.

The benefits of 'Phytop 8.67':

- improves seeds germinative energy and seed germination;
- boosts growth and root development;
- helps accumulate nitrogen and phosphorus in soil;
- regulates soil microbial flora;
- enhances plant stability against unfavorable environment factors, such as freezing, dry seasons, etc.;
- increases crop yields on 20-30%;
- protect plants from phytopathogens;
- improves the capacity for survival during transportation and storage;
- suppress the growth of phytopathogens and reduces the content of opportunistic - - pathogenic, pathogenic and putrefactive microflora in soil;
- removes stress after chemical application;
- cost-effective;
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : 'Phytop 8.67' is a highly-effective biological preparation for organic farming with fungicide, antistress and antidepressant properties. (According to the EU Regulation (EC) # 889/2008 (art.3, part 4)

'Phytop 8.67' contains the strains of spore-forming bacteria of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens cultures, selected from the ecologically clean regions of Siberia. Bacteria are deposited in the Deutsche Sammlung von Microorganismen und Zellkulturen Gmbh European collection of microorganisms and cell cultures.

'Phytop 8.67' improves self-protection abilities of plants, manages soil microbial flora and promotes plant growth and development. Preparation is especially useful when the soil ecology has been affected by chemical treatments, pollution and other natural negative forces.
Café, thé, chocolat
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Description : Organic Ganoderma lucidum Reishi
Tea and Supplement
Fertilisants , engrais
Description : Prathista products are listed in OMRI (ORGANIC MATERIAL REVIEW INSTITUTE), USA (click to view certificates) as crop nutrients for meeting Nutrient deficiency as per USDA-NOP standards and European Union Standards.

Prathista signed long term MoUs with INDOCERT ( & Foundation for Organic Agriculture & Rural Development Organizations ( to develop Organic Agriculture in India & also in International markets, which facilitates certification of land as well as crop production.

Prathista launched unique Chelated Minerals based on Proteinates, Lacto-Gluconates, Glycinates, which are complementary to existing feed supplement Formulations.

Prathista has opened Office in ALMERE, Netherlands in Joint Collaboration with Quavac BV to market Prathista unique Agri in-puts, Chelated Minerals, Organic acids & Other feed supplements in Netherlands and also in entire European markets. Prathista will subsequently establish state of the art fermentation (BIO TECHNOLOGY) based manufacturing facilities to cater the needs of European markets as Joint Venture to produce all these Eco-friendly products.
Prathista Farmers Welfare Foundation (a Non profit Organization) is established to service poor farmers (*click for details)
Prathista received National awards from her Excellency The President of India - “First prize for R&D efforts” & “Second prize for out standing performance” (* for pictures) through MSME, Govt of India.

Innovative BYPASS FAT is now available for Veterinary & Live stock segments for enhancing Live stock Health and also quality of Milk & Live stock (*click for details)
KVSS SAIRAM-PRESIDENT has received Third International Award - "Asia Pacific Gold Star Award" from Global Achivers Foundation during International conference of Indo-Middle East Friendship Summit held in Dubai on 18th November 2011.(* view picture for details)
CHAIRMAN-KVSS SAIRAM received fellowship award from Association of Bio Technology & Pharmacy during International symposium held at Karunya University at Coimbatore.(*view for picture)
Prathista participating in International Exposition being held at Jaffna, Sri Lanka during 20-22nd January 2012. Please witness our innovations in our stall No. 79.
Prathista International Inc proposals were approved by Honorable Commissioners for City of Manhattan to provide need based incentives for R&D establishment in USA and suitable Agreement is already signed with City Major after clearance from second Public Hearing meeting held on 20th December 2011.
Prathista has taken over "Haryana Bio Tech Private Limited" near Sohana Industrial Area in Haryana to establish state of the art Research Base in North India along with Formulation Unit as a Joint Venture with NRIs with American Technology.
KVSS SAIRAM-PRESIDENT received All India Economy Survey Award Council honor as “Shining Image on India” (media partner – AAJ TAK) - 2011 for his Outstanding Achievements & Distinguished Services to the Nation.
Epices condiments
Description : Crystal Himalayan Salt - fine-milled and granulated at very competitive wholesale prices. It is an excellent opportunity for any business entreprenuer to develop their own brand.
Minimum order quantity - 1000 kgs.
Produits diététiques
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : Crystal Himalayan Salt - fine-milled and granulated at very competitive wholesale prices. It is an excellent opportunity for any business entreprenuer to develop their own brand.
Minimum order quantity - 1000 kgs.
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Inter Bio Bretagne
